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TBKx 2024


We are very excited to announce that there will be another edition of TBKx this year. The theme of TBKx 2024 will be: “Leaders of Tomorrow: Keeping Perspectives in Challenging Times”. Different speakers will be talking about the challenges and innovations leaders nowadays face.

The event will take place on the 27th of March at the Strip, High Tech Campus Eindhoven 1, 5656 AE Eindhoven. The walk-in starts at 17:30, followed by dinner. The event is free, and dinner with drinks is included. Are you enthusiastic about the event? Register below!

Please note that costs will be charged when you do not show up during the event or when canceling your registration after the 24th of March.

Are the tickets sold out? Please send an e-mail to and we will put you on the reserve list.

Below you can find an overview of the speakers at the event with a small summary.

Hans de Jong
Hans de Jong studied Mechanical Engineering at Delft University of Technology. He then joined Philips in 1985 and served as president of Philips Netherlands from 2012-2021. After this, he became chairman of the supervisory board of the Jeroen Bosch Hospital in the year 2022. Currently, Hans is chairman of the “Muziekgebouw” (Music building) Eindhoven.

Marieke Knotter
Marieke Knotter studied psychology at the University of Amsterdam. She currently works at TU/e as a student psychologist. She also advises and guides leadership journeys and coaches management and employees from the company Berg&Partners to bring out their hidden potential.

Freek van Welsenis
Freek van Welsenis studied Industrial Engineering at TU/e and is currently co-founder of Hable One. Hable One makes products that visually impaired people can use to navigate and type more easily on their phone.

Valentine van der Lande
Valentine van der Lande is an entrepreneur and ran the company TenPages from 2009 to 2014. This was a company that facilitated online crowdfunding investments for books. In 2018, Valentine founded the company Oot Granola. Oot Granola makes organic fresh granola which can be bought online and delivered to customers' homes.

Onze excuses, maar de aanmelding voor dit event is afgesloten.