December 2022
2022 has been a crazy year. While the geopolitical bonds between nations have gotten
much more tense and the price of living has risen significantly, our life has opened up
again with the COVID-19 measures being lifted completely (and let’s hope that stays that
way). With so many changes happening, and many more coming up in the future, it is
incredibly important to stay flexible. Luckily, with our broad range of knowledge due to
our education in Industrial Engineering, we are trained for this and have the opportunity
to thrive in the future.
This edition of SCOPE containts various articles about ‘2022, The year of Change’.
Ruben Schneiderberg spoke with KPMG about the risks and challenges currently faced
by the company. Sara Casado Rodriguez interviewed Rob Jacobs from Jumbo about their
strategies and the future of their supply chains. Bauke Wijnands investigates the future
of entrepeneurship, while Marijn spoke with Tarkan Tan, a former lecturer at the TU/e
about sustainability in Industrial Engineering.
This SCOPE contains numerous travel stories. Thijn Muselaers gives us an insight into
his time in Porto and Gwen van Leeuwen recaps the International Research Project’s trip
to the USA and Mexico. For those interested in more international travel, C.I.T.I.
introduces itself and talks about the two most recent ESTIEM-travels. Furthermore, the
new IRP board, as well as the Crew introduce themselves. Columns of Farah Schepens,
Rosan Kolff and Bob van Ginkel, as well as the board update from Alumnia, and Alumni
speaking end this edition.
To end with a poem as per tradition, which has not changed:
‘Always strive for the best,
the best version of you.
In the further years to rest,
just like in 2022’
Enjoy reading this edition of the SCOPE.
Read the SCOPE of December 2022 here.